How One Brand Appeals to Three Generations
A 70-year old grandpa, a teenage girl, and a GenX woman walk into a restaurant . . . no, not the set up for a joke, but a true story. My...
Is Growth Hacking Digital Guerilla Marketing?
According to Wikipedia: Also, is this the...
The Marketing Campaign 2.0
There is a meme going around that seems to be gaining some traction among the marketing cognoscenti that suggests that the marketing...
Digital Marketing Hierarchy of Needs
In a recent post, Finding Digital Jesus, I contemplated the notion that brands, both large and small, were (finally) fully embracing...
Finding Digital Jesus
“And we’re just at the beginning!” This was the quote from the head of a digital marketing agency – just last week! This quote was made...
Future of Marketing–Good for Digital, Bad for CMO (sort of)
The Center for Media Research’s article “The CMO and the CIO Getting Closer” makes some interesting predictions for the future of...
Evolution of Marketing: From Art to Science
As the emphasis in marketing continues to drive to digital, and as the emphasis in digital is around analytics, could the job title of...
Year 2 - Bigger and Better
It’s time for the Ultimate Cricket Fan social media competition again. After a successful inaugural run, the competition is back –...
Digital Footprints Need Maintenance
My blog is the cobbler’s child – I have lofty intentions to write, but at the end of a long day in interactive . . . what’s that about...
The Steep Curve of Social Media
I’ve had the YouTube video, below, bookmarked for awhile with the intent of a post. The engaging graphics, coupled with the mind-numbing...