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Evolution of Marketing: From Art to Science

As the emphasis in marketing continues to drive to digital, and as the emphasis in digital is around analytics, could the job title of the future be, “Marketing Engineer?”

Three interesting posts come have across my social channels:

1.) Accenture’s June blog post, “CMOs: Time for Digital Transformation or Risk Being Left on the Sidelines” and corresponding landing page to download the report.

2.) HBR July/August article, “The Rise of the Chief Marketing Technologist.”

3.) This excellent infographic from (an Exact Target company) on the evolution of marketing from the “people that make things pretty” to “scientists.”


Given the role of marketing, I prefer “engineer,” as it includes the action to make plans and programs based upon the knowledge, not just acquiring the knowledge. Wikipedia definition of engineer: “a professional practitioner of engineering, concerned with applying scientific knowledge, mathematics, and ingenuity to develop solutions for technical, societal, and commercial problems.”

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